Change people’s minds

We moved back to South Africa in April 2021. I am considering how I can engage with my Rhino project again. I see myself as an activist and communicator with regards to the challenges these animals are experiencing.

I joined a group work session with the OCA (the current university where I study Fine Arts) around making Zines and being an activist. I do not think the solution lies in aggressive or confrontational communication.

It is clear the pull for the horn comes from East Asian countries, like China. We need education and awareness of the effect of this consumption in Africa as well as in China.

I would like to consider the following questions in the coming months:

  • Dehorning: female rhinos could be seen as important, as the rhino population is threatened when females who are pregnant is killed by poachers.
  • Will it make a difference in conservation?
  • Can I collaborate with other artists?
  • Can I collaborate with any conservationists?

For now, I believe that a live rhino is an asset, not a rhino horn.

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